Frequently Asked

Duty of Care refers to the moral and legal obligations of all employers to ensure staff wellbeing, security and safety, both at their workplace and during travel. Wherever their workers are located, organisations must address concerns over injury, illness, accidents, opportunistic crime and natural disasters.

Companies typically adopt a preventative approach that assesses health and security risks, while providing assistance to their staff in the event of an incident that merits a response (e.g. medical emergency, accident, geopolitical event, etc). Organisations have legal obligations to act prudently to avoid the risks of injury or exposure leading to ill-health. For example, in the UK, the Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 both stipulate that employers have a general duty of care to ensure their employees do not suffer any unreasonable harm when travelling abroad.

Legal penalties for non-compliance generally take into account what reasonable steps employers could have taken to reduce any harm to its personnel.  A risk assessment is a key part of this process.

In short, we think there is no product available quite like RiskPal! There are a high number of risk assessment, risk advisory or health and safety services available but none that combine the feature set or configuration options that RiskPal offers. It’s easy and intuitive, putting user experience at its heart and can be tailored to reflect your organisation’s specific needs.

We also continue to invest in improving the system. We treasure user feedback and continually refine RiskPal to allow better workflow and more robust risk management.

RiskPal was originally created for the media and NGO sectors but we have spent several years refining the platform and it is now used by a range of sectors and professions. Because RiskPal’s templates and library of advice are entirely configurable, you can create risk assessments for everything, from hosting a concert to filming a programme or travelling through the Amazon Rainforest!

Yes of course! We offer access to a demo environment to explore RiskPal as well as extended three-six month trials for teams to pilot the platform.

To discuss our trial terms or request a demo, please get in touch .  

Yes. We value user feedback and collate all ideas and suggested service improvements. Alongside our development roadmap we will always evaluate the cost-benefit of new requested features.

Clients wishing to accelerate bespoke development in their RiskPal environment can do so but this will usually incur an additional charge.

RiskPal is open to external third-party API feeds. Subject to acceptance and availability of a compatible API, we can integrate external sources into RiskPal.

RiskPal is not liable for the information provided by third-party providers.

RiskPal is not responsible for the vetting of service providers. Any suppliers entered by clients into RiskPal are not shared externally, and are the sole responsibility of the client and its internal moderation process.

RiskPal is not liable for the quality nor accuracy of service providers and reviews made of these services on the platform.

We recognise the difficulties that disruption to services can create for a business and place great value on customer care and experience. RiskPal has a standard licence agreement (SLA), which outlines our helpdesk and response times on logged issues.

We treat every client as unique – because they are. We work alongside our clients to ensure that RiskPal users are well onboarded and start benefiting from the system from day one.

As a minimum, we provide training with key stakeholders during the integration phase, and offer additional support during the initial months of a RiskPal licence. RiskPal also provides online tutorials and demo videos to assist self-learning.

System changes in any organisation always meet with resistance, and obviously, a degree of policy and managerial backing is required for quick and effective implementation. We have developed a series of support tools to facilitate this process, and believe that our user-centric model and integrated approvals encourage engagement with RiskPal.

We have written about some of the challenges in change management and some tips for success here:

We have put data security at the heart of RiskPal.

Each of RiskPal’s clients has its own unique identifiers, ensuring that customer data is never shared. On top of this, our User Group controls and Department permissions settings allow clients to create internal controls on data sharing and information access.

Clients can entirely customise user settings to match their internal administrative and management practices, ensuring user, travel and supplier data is accessible and managed on a need-to-know basis. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest. We run frequent back-ups, giving additional assurances regarding disaster recovery, crisis management and business continuity planning.

Each account holder is required to access RiskPal via a unique username, password and dual factor authentication (2FA). Our development team follow OWASP best practices, and we conduct regular penetration tests on the RiskPal application via external third-party experts.

Clients can also integrate RiskPal with their preferred single sign-on provider (SSO).

Please refer to RiskPal’s privacy policy here:

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