Reviewing & Approving a Risk Assessment
Getting Started
1. It is quick and easy to review, edit and approve risk assessments in RiskPal. Approving Managers are usually notified via email and can access any documents awaiting approval in their Pending Risk Assessment list.
2. Click on the Risk Assessment name or select the Edit/Approve icon and easily make edits throughout the document.
3. Once reviewed, you have three options. Whichever you select, you can easily manage who to notify and select if you want to include a PDF attachment.

Approve Risk Assessment
1. If you want to Approve, click on the icon, select who to notify and, if you want, Share with Others or add a personalised note, and then click on the Approve button.

Once approved, the risk assessment will move from Pending Risk Assessments to the Risk Assessment Register.
Requesting More Information
1. You can return the risk assessment to the author by clicking on the icon. Select the section(s) requiring more information, add a comment detailing the information required and notify the author.

The risk assessment will now appear with the ‘More Information Requested’ status. The author will be notified and can go back to the risk assessment, do any necessary alterations, and then re-submit, giving you a new notification when ready for approval.
Forward Risk Assessment
1. If you are not the correct or final approving manager or you need someone else to take over, you can pass on the approval rights of the risk assessment to another manager by clicking on the icon . You can select a new approving manager from the dropdown menu, add a comment, and click Proceed.

The risk assessment will now be removed from your Pending Register. You will still be able to access it via your Risk Assessment Register if you have the adequate permissions.